VIDCAST - Conversational Repair

          When you are listening, you may not understand -or hear- the speaker, so that the speaker and     you can negotiate a way of resolving it between you. There are seven conversational repair strategies.

          1. Confirmation Check

        Listener makes sure they've understood what speaker means.  e.g. "So he didn't win,then?"
          2. Comprehension Check
        Speaker makes sure that Listener has understood.   e.g. "Do you understand me?"
          3. Clarification Request
        Listener asks Speaker to repeat, explain or rephrase.   e.g. "When you say so-so, what do you       mean?"
          4. Repetition
        Listener or Speaker repeats their own (or the other's) words.
          5. Reformulation
        Speaker rephrases the content of what they have said.  e.g. "So-so -in other words, not very   good."
          6. Completion
        Listener completes Speaker's utterance.
          7. Backtracking
        Speaker returns to a point in the conversation, up to which they believe that Listener has   understood.
